Black Sesame Seed Liquid Extract - Sesamum indicum
Common Name : Benne, Sesamum, Sesame kali, Til Kala, Kali Til, Black Sesame Seeds, Niger Seed, Sesamum indicum
Botanical name : Sesamum indicum
Product : Black Sesame Seed Liquid Extract
Form available: Liquid
Part used : Seed
Active contents (Phytochemical) : lignans like sesamin, sesamolin, and sesaminol; phenolic compounds such as ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid; tocopherols (vitamin E), phytosterols (e.g., β-sitosterol); and essential fatty acids, primarily linoleic and oleic acids.
Solubility : 100% Water soluble
Product is Vegetarian
Country of Origin: India
Storage : Store in cool and dry place