Parsley Seed Oil - Petroselinum crispum
Parsley essential oil, also called Parsley Seed oil, is steam distilled from the seeds of a plant known botanically as Petroselinum crispum
Known as : Parsley, Petroselinum crispum
Botanical name : Petroselinum crispum
Product : Parsley Seed Oil
Product form : Essential Oil
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Ingredient : Seeds
Active component : apiol (the primary compound), myristicin, limonene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, eugenol, and tetramethoxyallylbenzene.
Phyto Properties : antimicrobial, diuretic, antioxidant, and digestive properties.
Color : Pale Yellow to Yellow
Odour : Dry, slightly sweet, earthy
Blends with Anise, bay, black pepper, clarysage, coriander, ginger, neroli, oakmoss, rose, tea tree and ylang ylang
Product is Vegetarian
Country of Origin: India