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Chemical & Minerals

Shop all the Chemical and Minerals used in Ayurveda Like Neela Thotha (Copper sulphate), Kalmi Shora (Potassium Nitrate), Suhaga (Borax), Godanti (Gypsum), Black Mica (Abhrak Bhasm), Hartal Yellow, Hartal Warki/Varki, Sajji Kali (Sodium Bicarbonate), Amalsaar (Yellow sulphur), Gile Armani, Kashreesh Hara (Ferrous Sulphate) at wholesale prices at the TheWholesalerCo
thewholesalerco-Neela Thotha - Tutia - Copper sulfate


thewholesalerco-Surma Kala - Black Surma - Eye Surma
Suhaga - Tankan Bhasma - Borax | 1Kg, 5Kg Wholesale price | TheWholesalerCo |
Activated Charcoal powder |
Amlasaar - Amalsar - Ghandak - Gandhak - Yellow Sulphur | TheWholesalerCo
thewholesalerco-Black Mica - Abhrak Bhasm- Kala Bajra
Gile Armani - Armenian bole | TheWholesalerCo
Godanti - Gowdanti - Harital - Gypsum | TheWholesalerCo
thewholesalerco-Hartaal Varki - Hartaal Warki - Yellow Arsenic Sulphide
Hartaal Yellow - Hartal Pili - Ponnatharam | TheWholesalerCo
Jawakhar - Yavakshar - Potassium Carbonate | TheWholesalerCo
Kalmi Shora - Khalmi Shura - Kalmishora - Potassium Nitrate | TheWholesalerCo
Kasheesh Hara - Kasis - Ferrous Sulphate - Green Vitriol - TheWholesalerCo
Phitkari Red - Fitkari Lal - Potash Alum - Red alum stone | TheWholesalerCo
Phitkari White - Fitkari Safed - Potash Alum - White alum stone | TheWholesalerCo
Rupa Makkhi - Rupa Makki - Roupya Makshik Stone - Rajat Makshik | TheWholesalerCo
thewholesalerco-Sajji Kali - Black Sajji - Saji Kaali - Sodium Bicarbonate
thewholesalerco-Baking Soda - Soda Mitha - Meetha Soda - Sodium Bicarbonate